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T2Xpress - DVB-T2 Signal Generator Software  


DVB-T2 Signal Generator Software

Test generator software designed for comprehensive DVB-T2 signal creation. Offering full control over all DVB-T2 parameters, it allows for the creation of multi-PLP signals, T2-Lite profile, T2-MI output, and more, all from the convenience of your desk.


Key Characteristics

Standards DVB-T2, EN 302 755
T2-MI, ETSI TS 102 773
Bandwidth 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10MHz
Profiles T2-Base
Features Single-PLP, multi-PLP
MISO simulation
Receiver Buffer Model (RBM) validation
“Big-TS-splitter” function
Data source O151 PRBS
Partial stream file per PLP
Partial streams extracted from "Big TS" file
I/Q format Float32, Int16, Text

Requires the DTC-371-IQ option

Supported Adapters

RF DTA-2111B, 2115B, 2116
DTU-215, 315
T2-MI All DekTec adapters supporting ASI or TS-over-IP

PC Support

OS Windows 7*, 8*, 10, 11
Win Server 12*, 16, 19, 22

* Support for Windows 7, 8 and Server 2012 has ended. Application installers include June 2023 driver versions for these OSes, with no further updates available.

Processor Core i5 minimum
Core i7 recommended

Or equivalent AMD CPUs


T2Xpress - DVB-T2 signal generator software
Option to enable channel-simulation features in T2Xpress
Option to enable I/Q sample generation

Prices exclude applicable sales tax, shipping charges and customs duties. Quantity discounts may be available, please request a quotation.


  • Complete T2 test generator accepts file input and provides RF output via e.g. DTU-315, or writes I/Q samples to file.
  • Affordable and convenient way to experiment with or demonstrate any DVB-T2 feature, or organize field trials.
  • Supports sophisticated configurations, such as concurrent generation of T2-Lite and T2-Base profile signals within each other's FEF.


  • Test-signal generator for the development and testing of DVB-T2 receivers, chip sets, televisions, monitoring equipment, etc.
  • Convenient way to experiment with or demonstrate any DVB-T2 feature, or conduct effective field trials.
  • Generation of DVB-T2 I/Q samples in file for simulating system performance, for receiver algorithm development, etc.


T2Xpress screenshot

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