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Atsc3Xpress - ATSC-3 Signal Generator Software  


ATSC-3 Signal Generator Software

This test generator lets you create a broadcast-quality ATSC 3.0 signal from your desk. Atsc3Xpress gives you full control over ATSC 3.0 parameters, supporting advanced concepts such as subframes, multi-PLP and a variety of PLP-multiplexing strategies.


Key Characteristics

Standard ATSC 3.0
A/322 revision 58
Bandwidth 5, 6, 7, 8MHz
Features Multiple subframes
Multi-PLP operation
Channel simulation
PLP multiplexing LDM, FDM, TDM, TFDM
Data source IP capture file (PCAP)
Built-in O151 PRBS
Live IP input
I/Q format Float32, Int16, Text

Requires the DTC-371-IQ option

Supported Modulators

PCI Express DTA-2115B, 2116
USB-3 DTU-315

PC Support

OS Windows 7*, 8*, 10, 11
Win Server 12*, 16, 19, 22

* Support for Windows 7, 8 and Server 2012 has ended. Application installers include June 2023 driver versions for these OSes, with no further updates available.

Processor Core i5 minimum
Core i7 recommended

Or equivalent AMD CPUs


Atsc3Xpress - ATSC 3.0 modulator and signal generator software
Option to enable a full-blown channel simulator in Atsc3Xpress, supporting AWGN generation with programmable SNR and multipath echo simulation
Option to generate modulated I/Q samples in a file, e.g. for simulating ATSC-3.0 demodulation algorithms

Prices exclude applicable sales tax, shipping charges and customs duties. Quantity discounts may be available, please request a quotation.


  • ATSC 3.0 gateway/modulator with control of all preamble-, subframe- and PLP parameters. Output directly in RF, or as I/Q samples.
  • Real-time IP input (ROUTE or MMT), offline input from an IP capture file (PCAP), or built-in PRBS generator for BER measurements.
  • Channel simulator for adding white noise and/or multipath echos (multiple fading models), for accurately simulating reflections.


  • Test-signal generator for the development and testing of ATSC 3.0 receivers, chip sets, televisions, monitoring equipment, etc.
  • Affordable and convenient way to experiment with or demonstrate any ATSC 3.0 feature, or organize field trials.
  • Generation of ATSC 3.0 I/Q samples for simulating system performance, for receiver algorithm development, etc.


Atsc3Xpress screenshot

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