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DTA-105 - Dual DVB-ASI Output for PCI  


Dual DVB-ASI Output for PCI

DekTec's two-ports ASI output adapter, with slave-capabilities to output a single doubly-buffered output to two ports.

The DTA-105 is no longer in production, but the card is still available in limited quantities and remains supported in DekTec's SDK and software.


Key Characteristics

ASI DVB-ASI (coax) EN50083-9
0 to 214 Mbps
Resolution <1 bps
Buffer 16MB/channel

Inputs and Outputs

2x ASI 75-Ω BNC
Slot PCI

PC Support

OS Windows 10, 11
Windows Server 16, 19, 22
Linux ≥2.6.18, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x
Processor Core i5 minimum
Core i7 recommended

Or equivalent AMD CPUs


StreamXpress Play TS files and control modulation parameters
SpRcApi StreamXpress remote control API for automated playout
DekTec SDKs Create your own full-custom application


DTA-105-SP310Stock: 4
Dual DVB-ASI output for PCI with StreamXpress player software.
DTA-105-RC-SP684Stock: 4
Dual DVB-ASI output for PCI with Remote control option for StreamXpress and StreamXpress player software.

Prices exclude applicable sales tax, shipping charges and customs duties. Quantity discounts may be available, please request a quotation.


  • Two independent software controllable BNC output ports, operable in ASI mode, with individual status LEDs.
  • Optional mode to slave the second output to the first, creating a single doubly-buffered output.
  • Cable equalization and inverted ASI support.


  • General-purpose output adapter for PC-based applications that generate an DVB-ASI transport stream.
  • Using StreamXpress, this is an MPEG-2 transport stream test-generator.

Block Diagram

DTA-105 block diagram

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