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StreamXpress - Versatile Stream Player for R&D, Testing and Demos  


Versatile Stream Player for R&D, Testing and Demos

StreamXpress is a feature-packed, cost-effective stream player supporting all DekTec output adapters, providing reliable and seamless playout of ASI, RF, SDI, or IP (including SMPTE 2110/2022 and SRT) in a variety of professional applications.


Supported DekTec Adapters

DVB-ASI DTA-2144B, 2160
DTA-2172, 2174B, 2175
DTA-2178, 2178-ASI
DTE-3100, DTU-245
SDI DTA-2172, 2174B, 2175
DTA-2178, 2179, 2195
Modulators DTA-2107, 2111B,
DTA-2115B, 2116
TS over IP DTA-2160, 2162
PC network port (local NIC)
SMPTE 2110 DTA-2110
I/Q Samples DTA-2115B, 2116

StreamXpress Licenses

DTC-300-SP StreamXpress license for playout on a DekTec output adapter.
DTC-300-NICP StreamXpress license for IP
playout on a local NIC.

Both licenses can be stored on either a DekTec adapter or a USB dongle. To order a license, simply provide the serial number of the device where you want to store it.

Bundled Licenses

DTA-xxx-SP Bundle of a DekTec adapter and a StreamXpress license.
(e.g: DTA-2174B-SP)
DTDONG-1-NICP USB dongle with a StreamXpress license for IP playout via a local NIC.

PC Requirements

OS Windows 7*, 8*, 10, 11
Win Server 12*, 16, 19, 22

* Support for Windows 7, 8 and Server 2012 has ended. Application installers include June 2023 driver versions for these OSes, with no further updates available.


StreamXpress - DekTec stream player, for use with a DekTec output adapter.
StreamXpress license on a DekTec adapter for playout of TS-over-IP streams via the network port of your PC or laptop. Please note that this license specifically activates network port usage. In addition, the DTC-300-SP is also required to use StreamXpress with the DekTec Adapter.
Dongle with StreamXpress for local NIC
Remote control API for StreamXpress.
XpressSim - Channel-simulation option with white noise (AWGN) simulator and multi-path echo insertion for StreamXpress.

Prices exclude applicable sales tax, shipping charges and customs duties. Quantity discounts may be available, please request a quotation.


  • Cost-Effective and PowerFul: Affordable playout software optimized for seamless playout across all DekTec output adapters.
  • Uninterrupted Playback: Features for continuous playout, including automatic correction of continuity counters, PCR, and TDT for Transport Streams.
  • Advanced Modulator Control: Easily configure modulation and channel simulation settings to meet your specific testing needs.


  • Test Stream Generation: Ideal for testing set-top boxes, digital TVs, video processing equipment, and more.
  • Trade Show and Demo Setup: Perfect for live demonstrations at trade shows, showrooms, and in-store displays.
  • Automated Test Environments (ATE): Reliable signal generator for automated equipment testing, ensuring consistent and repeatable results.


  • StreamXpress screenshot 1
  • StreamXpress screenshot 2
  • StreamXpress screenshot 3
  • StreamXpress screenshot 4

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